Hub Up projects
Hub Up projects reflect our understanding that not all Jewish life needs to be arranged through organizations, and some of the most creative and impactful influences on a community can come from individuals or groups having an idea for a project.
Have you got a project idea or plan and need assistance to realize it? Do you need partners, professional support or resources to launch you project? The Mozaik Hub is open for all initiators and community activists, that want to make their project happen, and need professional or financial support.
Mozaik Hub contributes to the success of your project or initiative by providing:
- a workstation in the Mozaik Hub’s coworking space
- customized professional support in the form of consultancy and mentoring
- shared space for meetings and gatherings
- equipment and tools.

The Mozaik Hub’s intention is to be the ‘go-to place’ for Jewish community entrepreneurship. Our goal is to have 5-6 Hub Up projects supported every year. Recruitment for them will be done through Szarvas as well as public competitions and awards.
Besides the opportunities mentioned you can also apply for a microgrant with your Hub Up initiative. You can read more about our microgrants here. (Please note that only projects and initiatives from Hungary are eligible to receive a microgrant.)
If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities and would like to apply with your project or initiative please contact us.
Currently running Hub Up projects
The aim of the Dokuforte project is to preserve and strengthen the ties between Israeli and Diaspora Jews and to nurture and pass on their shared past. To achieve this, the project has chosen as its primary method the identification, digitization, and collection of photographs that capture the history, culture, traditions, and daily life of both Israelis and Jews from all over the world with an active connection to Israel.
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Jewish Győr considers its primary task to preserve the past of Győr’s Jewry, to strengthen the local community, and to “keep the Jewish flame of Győr alive.” They see the key to this is to reach out to young and older Jews from or connected to Győr, living anywhere in the world.
Its first and most significant project is the 4-day ” Jewish Roots in Győr- World Meeting” in 2024, focusing on Győr’s Jewish past and present.
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“If these streets could talk” is an innovative educational project on the streets of Budapest’s vibrant Jewish quarter. Using state-of-the-art augmented and mixed reality technologies to show the daily life of Budapest Jews from the blooming of the early 1900s to the Holocaust. The project aims to bring this historical period closer in space and time by creating an interactive, personal experience that functions as a gateway to a deeper exploration of the subject.
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Qesher offers weekly interactive sessions in which local experts share the history and present of their Jewish communities from around the globe. The contribution of participants also helps to fund a local Jewish project, cause or organization, this way creating a connection (qesher) between individuals, communities and the wider Jewish world.
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The website is a nonpartisan online platform that offers free publicity and advertising opportunities for all local Jewish organizations including NGOs, institutions, synagogues informal groups and new initiatives. Community programs of each participating organization appear on this automated event calendar with equal chances to introduce the whole Jewish community scene to the public.
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The “Talmud not only for women” or Talmud NOW project is a series of lectures and other learning events that was launched in December 2014 with the aim to bring closer Jewish texts to our contemporary lives. With the help of invited guest lecturers all participants have the chance to deepen their knowledge in topics that are related to our times but were also discussed by our sages.
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The essence of Holocaust photo is creating a fresh, easily searchable database of photos from the Holocaust that can serve both as a learning and a teaching tool to those interested in the subject. With its interactive platform it extends on the traditional definition of an archive.
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Judapest is working on filling a hole in the market which could ease the 21. century Jewish lifestyle. The goal is to create religious and traditional objects, Judaica which both fulfil their original function and adapt to the designs and styles of the modern world.
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