Microgrants for new initiatives
The Mozaik Jewish Community Hub offers grants for project leaders, project groups, and activists in the Jewish community.
The primary goals of the grant are to encourage and support NGOs working to advance Jewish life, community and values, to contribute to the capacity building of Jewish community NGOs.
Microgrants can only be received, if the project was brought to life by personal initiatives and it’s execution is not carried out in an organizational frame.
Grant applications for projects can be submitted all year long in the following areas:
- Education
- Culture
- Heritage
- Tradition
- Health and social care
- Capacity building
- Community Development
Applying for a grant:
- One organization can apply with one project for one grant per year.
- The maximum grant request is 1.250.000 forints (approx. 3500 dollars).
- The applicant has the opportunity to discuss the content of the application in person, before applying.
The submitted grant proposals should meet the following criteria:
- Relevance and real need: the project and the planned activities should be based on real needs.
- Community value: the project should carry an added value to the Jewish community of Hungary.
- Impact: the project should intend to achieve real, measurable long-term impact.
- Knowledge and capacity: the organization should provide sufficient professional capacity.
- Effectiveness: the objectives of the project should be achievable based on the time frame and schedule formulated in the grant application.
- Efficiency and cost-benefit ration: the project budget should reflect the planned activities.
- Sustainability: the organization should aim for long term use of achievements of the project and for creating the conditions of the project’s continuity.
Evaluation of grant applications
The grant applications are evaluated by an impartial committee of 3. In the evaluation process, besides the above mentioned criteria, the following aspects will be considered:
- organizational structure, capability and human resources in implementing the project
- number of volunteers and pro bono professionals engaged in the project
- innovative and creative methods used in the implementation
- communication of the project
- experience from similar previous activities/projects
- partner organizations in the project
The following documents should be provided when submitting the application:
- Application form,
- Project budget.
The following documents are required for the final report and the closing of the grant procedure:
- Narrative report,
- Financial report,
- Photos and/or videos of the activities carried out during the project.
For further information please contact Bence Tordai, Mozaik Jewish Community Hub program manager at benceto@jdc.org or +3620 400 6747.