Why Mozaik Hub

The Mozaik Jewish Community Hub is a program of JDC. The Mozaik Hub is a professional platform that provides infrastructure, co-working space, customized professional support, learning opportunities and financial support for Jewish community NGOs and initiatives in Hungary.

A mosaic consists of numerous small pieces of different size, color and shape. The mosaic of the Jewish community in Hungary is also made up of various pieces – number of small communities, groups and individuals with different needs and often differing questions and answers. Institutions, organizations, initiatives and projects concentrating on specific areas of community life, nonetheless which are part of a greater whole. This greater whole can mean a jointly defined vision or the willingness for thinking or acting together.

Recognizing the plurality and the various questions and challenges today in the Jewish community, we at the Mozaik Hub find it especially important to look at ourselves and our partners as one piece of the mosaic, but at the same time as elements of the greater whole. We invite our partners and each member of the community to share a vision of a more effective, cooperative and sustainable Jewish community.

Primary goals of the Mozaik Jewish Community Hub

The Mozaik Jewish Community Hub is a pilot initiative of JDC with potential replication in other European cities. JDC sees this initiative as a crucial next step in its work in Hungary and beyond.